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  1. Bobcat

    Fukishima radiation

    Wow! I just looked this up and read about it. I think that it will be years before the effects of this radiation will be fully realized. In the meantime, it may not be wise to eat Pacific fish.
  2. Bobcat

    NFL Playoffs Continue To Roll On...

    I'm looking forward to seeing both the Panthers vs. the 49ers and the Broncos vs. San Diego today. I do hope they both win. Super Bowl is going to be very interesting this year.
  3. Bobcat

    Underground shelter

    I'm not sure how common it is jagger. I don't know of anyone that has a shelter. Do you? I think if things get bad enough to need a shelter, we are all in trouble.
  4. Bobcat

    Does death worry you?

    Dying is the natural progression of life. We all pass on at some point in time. The will is on my to-do list for this year. It's important to me that certain things go to certain people.
  5. Bobcat

    What about your Pets?

    I don't even like to think about leaving my pets behind. They are part of the family and to leave them would be to abandon them. I hope I'm never faced with that situation.
  6. Bobcat

    Falling Trees

    With all the rain and now snow that we have had lately, has anyone had to deal with trees falling around you? So far we haven't but there are several huge trees up behind the house that I'm watching closely.
  7. Bobcat

    Basic short term survival

    Wow, what an article! This is great and every bit true. It makes me feel so unprepared. All I have in my car at the present time is a blanket. A wise old man told me once that if you are prepared, it won't happen. I need to get prepared.
  8. Bobcat


    I'm not a hunter either but I do have friends that had rather be in the words than anywhere else. My brother is the same way. I currently have a deer shoulder in his freezer waiting on me to come get it. :)
  9. Bobcat

    Cane Poles

    I knew there were people out there like me. We used bent pins too jagger. Most times, we stole a hook or two from dad's tackle box. We caught bream and crappy. Good memories.
  10. Bobcat

    Cane Poles

    Anybody here ever fish with a cane pole? When I was a kid that was the fishing rod of choice. No fancy stuff for me. Just a cane pole, a string, a hook and a cork was all that was needed. It made for some great lazy summer afternoons and some good suppers.
  11. Bobcat

    Olive oil lamp

    That's a great article CherryBlossom. If you think about it, olive oil was all there was for lamps back in Biblical times. We've just gotten so far away from the basics it's refreshing to know what's still available to use.
  12. Bobcat

    Extra medication

    The best way to handle this is to get off as many of those prescriptions as possible. I don't believe they will be available if the grid goes down. I'm exploring as many herbal remedies as possible. There are some great books out there that cover just this subject.
  13. Bobcat

    First Aid Kits?

    Most first aid kits are pretty well stocked with everything you need for minor issues. There's nothing wrong with purchasing other items and having extra on hand. Just be sure that it's all in date. I check mine about once a year.
  14. Bobcat

    Army Navy surplus stores

    I love to go in our local Army/Navy surplus store and just look around. They do have about anything you would ever want or need to survive in the wilderness. You can even get MRE's there.
  15. Bobcat

    Christmas eve pajamas

    We used to when the kids were small. I remember the times when they would come downstairs on Christmas morning with their hair all tousled in their footed pajamas. Good memories.
  16. Bobcat

    Deer season over

    My brother got one just the other day and has a leg ready for me to pick up. We love venison roasted in the oven with a blend of southwestern spices. That's just good eating.
  17. Bobcat

    Giving the gift of survival

    That is a great idea Survivinit. My folks always kept a well stocked pantry when I was a kid so I do the same now. Your gift is a great idea for anyone. :)
  18. Bobcat

    Farm animals

    Growing up on a farm, I can tell you chickens are great to have. They produce eggs and Sunday dinner (fried chicken). Milk cows are great too if you have the patience to milk them and hogs are good for hams, bacon and sausage.
  19. Bobcat

    Master list

    I usually keep a running grocery list. Every time I run out of something I add it to the list and then once or twice a month I'll go replace all those things. Finding needed items on sale is great. I'll generally get two of everything then.
  20. Bobcat

    Solar Water Heater

    I remember my dad making a solar water heater when I was a kid. He used the tank of an old water heater and mounted it on the roof. He ran the lines, installed the spigots and we had warm water for outside showers. Dad was a real handy man.